Home Amplification অভ্যাসৰ নৰ কৰ্ণ পথে কৰে শৰ–ভাব সম্প্ৰসাৰণ | Avyashar Nar Karna Pathe...

অভ্যাসৰ নৰ কৰ্ণ পথে কৰে শৰ–ভাব সম্প্ৰসাৰণ | Avyashar Nar Karna Pathe Kare Shar

অভ্যাসৰ নৰ কৰ্ণ পথে কৰে শৰ


অভ্যাসৰ নৰ কৰ্ণ পথে কৰে শৰ–ভাব সম্প্ৰসাৰণ | Avyashar Nar Karna Pathe Kare Shar

অভ্যাসৰ নৰ কৰ্ণ পথে কৰে শৰ


অভ্যাসৰ নৰ কৰ্ণ পথে কৰে শৰ

অভ্যাসৰ নৰ কৰ্ণ পথে কৰে শৰ–ভাব সম্প্ৰসাৰণ | Avyashar Nar Karna Pathe Kare Shar

অভ্যাসৰ বলত যে কঠিন কামো সহজ হৈ যায় তাকে বুজাবলৈ উক্ত প্ৰবচনটো কোৱা হয়।

তিৰোতা মানুহে অলংকাৰ পৰিধান কৰিবৰ বাবে দুয়োখন কাণৰ পতা বিন্ধা কৰে। এই বিন্ধা অতি সৰু । ইয়াৰ মাজেদি শৰ এপাত সৰকি যাব নোৱাৰে। কিন্তু এনে কিছুমান লোক আছে সিহঁতে কৰ্ণপথেদিও সুকললে পাৰ হৈ যাব পৰাকৈ শৰ মাৰিব পাৰে। অৰ্থাৎ অভ্যাসৰ জৰিয়তে কিছুমান লোকে অসম্ভৱকো সম্ভৱ কৰিব পাৰে।

সেইদৰে আমি যদি একাণপতীয়াকৈ কোনো কাম দীৰ্ঘদিন জুৰি অনুশীলন কৰি থাকো তেন্তে নিশ্চয় অসম্ভৱ যেন লগা কামো সম্ভৱপৰ হয়। 0 0 0

অভ্যাসৰ নৰ কৰ্ণ পথে কৰে শৰ


Habit is the Second Nature । Amplification


The phrase “Habit is the second nature” is a time-honored adage that underscores the profound influence of habitual behavior on human character and actions. Originating from the Latin proverb “Consuetudo est altera natura,” this saying suggests that repeated behaviors become ingrained in us to the point that they function as a second nature, shaping our responses and actions almost as inherently as our natural instincts do.

Superficial Meaning

At a superficial level, this phrase means that the behaviors we consistently practice become an integral part of our personality and routine. Just as our inherent nature guides our basic instincts and responses, our habits, formed through repetition and practice, dictate much of our daily life. For example, someone who habitually wakes up early will naturally find it easier to rise at dawn compared to someone who is not accustomed to this practice. Habit, through repetition, becomes a predictable and almost automatic part of our behavior.

Deeper Meaning

On a deeper level, this adage speaks to the transformative power of habit. Habits have the ability to fundamentally reshape our character and influence our destiny. Good habits can lead to personal growth, success, and fulfillment, while bad habits can hinder progress and lead to negative outcomes. This transformative power underscores the importance of being mindful of the habits we cultivate.

Habits also influence our perceptions, attitudes, and even our decision-making processes. For example, a person who habitually practices gratitude may develop a more positive outlook on life, finding joy and satisfaction in everyday experiences. Conversely, someone who habitually complains may find it difficult to appreciate the good in their life, leading to a more negative overall disposition.

Furthermore, the phrase highlights the concept of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Habits, through repetition, can change the structure of our brain, reinforcing the neural pathways associated with those behaviors. This biological basis for habit formation underscores just how deeply habits can become ingrained in us.


“Habit is the second nature” is a powerful reminder of the profound impact that repeated behaviors can have on our lives. On the surface, it highlights how habitual actions become an integral part of our daily routine, guiding our behavior almost as inherently as our instincts. On a deeper level, it underscores the transformative power of habits to shape our character, influence our perceptions, and even alter our brain’s structure. This adage encourages us to be mindful of the habits we cultivate, recognizing their potential to shape our lives in significant and lasting ways. ০ ০ ০.

ৰাব্বি মছৰুৰ  ৰচিত  কেইখনমান গ্রন্থ:

Some Important Books for Students:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
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  9. Report Writing
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  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

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