Home Amplification আঠুৱা চাই ঠেং মেলা–ভাব সম্প্রসাৰণ | Athuwa Chai Theng Mela

আঠুৱা চাই ঠেং মেলা–ভাব সম্প্রসাৰণ | Athuwa Chai Theng Mela

আঠুৱা চাই ঠেং মেলা


আঠুৱা চাই ঠেং মেলা-ভাব সম্প্রসাৰণ

আঠুৱা চাই ঠেং মেলা


আঠুৱা চাই ঠেং মেলা

আঠুৱা চাই ঠেং মেলা –ভাব সম্প্রসাৰণ | Athuwa Chai Theng Mela

সামৰ্থ অনুসৰি কাম কৰাৰ  প্ৰসংগত উপদেশৰ সুৰত উক্ত প্ৰবচনফাঁকিৰ উদ্ধৃতি দিয়া হয়।

আমি ৰাতি শুবৰ সময়ত ম’হৰ উৎপাতৰ পৰা ৰক্ষা পাবলৈ আঠুৱা মেলি লও। আঠুৱাৰ ৰ্দ্ঘৈৰ এক সীমা আছে। আমি আঠুৱাৰ ভিতৰত থাকিলেহ ম’হৰ উৎপাতৰ পৰা ৰক্ষা পাব পাৰি। যদি আঠুৱাটো সৰু হয় তেন্তে আমি ঠেং মেলিলে আঠুৱাৰ বাহিৰলৈ ওলাই  যাব আৰু তেতিয়া আমাক মহে কামুৰিব। সেয়ে আঠুৱা সৰু হ’লে আমি সেইমতে ঠেং মেলিলে আমাৰ কোনো অনিষ্ট নহয়। ঠিক তেনেকৈ আমি আমাৰ আয় অনুসৰি ব্যয় কৰিব লাগে। যদি আয়তকৈ ব্যয় বেছি হয়, তেন্তে আমাৰ বহুত অসুবিধা বাঢ়ি যাব। আমি ঋণগ্ৰস্ত হ’ম আৰু ঋণে আমাৰ মান-মৰ্যদা হ্রাস কৰিব। সেয়ে কোৱা হয় যে আমি আমাৰ সামৰ্থ অনুসৰিহে ভোগ কৰা উচিত। 0 0 0

আঠুৱা চাই ঠেং মেলা in English

Look Your Mosquito Net Before You Spread Your Legs


“Look your mosquito net before you spread your legs” is a proverb that uses a vivid and somewhat humorous metaphor to convey a message about caution and preparedness. While it may not be as widely recognized as other proverbs, its meaning and implications are significant. The phrase underscores the importance of vigilance and foresight before engaging in any action or decision, particularly those that may have significant consequences.

Superficial Meaning

On the surface, the proverb suggests a practical piece of advice: before going to bed or resting in a potentially mosquito-infested area, ensure that your mosquito net is in place to avoid being bitten. This is a straightforward reminder to take simple, preventative measures to protect oneself from harm or discomfort. In this context, the proverb emphasizes the importance of being cautious and prepared in everyday situations to avoid unnecessary problems.

Deeper Meaning

At a deeper level, the proverb serves as a metaphor for the broader concept of preparedness and prudence in life. “Looking your mosquito net” symbolizes the act of checking and ensuring that protective measures are in place before proceeding with any significant action or decision. “Spreading your legs” metaphorically represents engaging in an activity, making a decision, or exposing oneself to potential risks.

The proverb suggests that careful planning and foresight are essential to avoid negative outcomes. It warns against impulsiveness and emphasizes the value of taking the time to assess and secure one’s situation before acting. This can apply to various aspects of life, including personal relationships, business ventures, financial investments, and health-related decisions.

For instance, in relationships, it advises ensuring trust, mutual respect, and understanding are established before becoming intimate or deeply involved. In business, it advocates for conducting thorough research and risk assessment before launching a new project or investment. In health, it emphasizes taking preventive measures, such as vaccinations or screenings, to protect oneself from potential illnesses.


“Look your mosquito net before you spread your legs” is a proverb that highlights the importance of vigilance, preparation, and caution in all aspects of life. On a superficial level, it offers practical advice to avoid discomfort and harm by being prepared. On a deeper level, it serves as a metaphor for the necessity of foresight and prudence in making decisions and taking actions. This proverb encourages individuals to be mindful and proactive, ensuring that protective measures are in place before engaging in any significant endeavors, thereby reducing the risk of negative consequences and enhancing the likelihood of success and well-being. 0 0 0.

ৰাব্বি মছৰুৰ  ৰচিত  কেইখনমান গ্রন্থ:

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