Home Essays Fruits of Assam-An Essay

Fruits of Assam-An Essay


Fruits of Assam-An Essay

Fruits of Assam-An Essay

Fruits of Assam-An Essay


Assam is a beautiful place in India with a lot of tasty fruits. Fruits are not only yummy but also good for our health. Let’s explore some of the delicious fruits that grow in Assam.

Juicy Oranges

Assam is famous for its juicy oranges. These oranges are sweet and full of vitamin C, which keeps us healthy. You can make tasty orange juice from them.

Yummy Bananas

Assam also grows yummy bananas. Bananas are a great snack that gives us energy. They are sweet and come in different sizes and colors.

Tasty Pineapples

Pineapples from Assam are really tasty. They are juicy and make your taste buds dance. Pineapples can be eaten fresh or used in fruit salads.

Delicious Guavas

Guavas are another fruit from Assam. They are sweet and packed with vitamins. Eating guavas helps us stay strong and healthy.

Refreshing Papayas

Papayas are grown in Assam too. They are refreshing and full of goodness. Papayas are like a natural vitamin bomb for our bodies.

Sweet Jackfruits

Jackfruits are another delicious fruit from Assam. They are sweet and can be eaten fresh or used in various dishes. Jackfruits are like a tropical treat.


Assam is a land of many delicious and healthy fruits. Oranges, bananas, pineapples, guavas, papayas, and jackfruits are just some of the wonderful fruits you can find there. These fruits not only taste great but also keep us strong and happy. 0 0 0.

Fruits of Assam-An Essay

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