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Utility of Leisure Time-Essay


Utility of Leisure Time-Essay

Utility of Leisure Time-Essay

Utility of Leisure Time-Essay

Utility of Leisure Time-Essay


Leisure time is when we are not in school, doing homework, or other important stuff. It’s a time to relax, have fun, and enjoy ourselves. Let’s learn about the cool things we can do during our leisure time!

Play and Have Fun

One of the best things about leisure time is playing! We can go to the park, swing on swings, slide down slides, and play games with our friends. Playing makes us happy, and it’s good for our bodies.

Learn New Things

Leisure time is also a great time to learn new things. We can read books, draw pictures, or even do fun science experiments. Learning can be exciting and helps us become smarter.

Spend Time with Family

During leisure time, we can hang out with our family. We can talk, share stories, and maybe even cook or bake something yummy together. It’s a time to bond with our loved ones.

Explore Nature

Nature is full of beauty and surprises. During leisure time, we can go for a walk in the park, watch birds, or have a picnic. Nature is a fantastic place to relax and connect with the world around us.

Relax and Rest

Sometimes, leisure time is for taking it easy. We can lay back, watch a movie, or simply rest. It’s important to recharge our energy and feel refreshed.

Help Others

We can also use our leisure time to help others. We can visit someone who needs a friend, clean up our neighborhood, or do good deeds. It’s a great way to make the world a better place.


Leisure time is super important for kids like us. It’s when we get to have fun, learn new things, and spend time with the people we love. So, remember to use your leisure time wisely and make the most of it. It’s your time to enjoy life, explore, and make wonderful memories! 0 0 0. Utility of Leisure Time-Essay

Utility of Leisure Time-Essay

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